Chania International Photo Festival
The participants of the Cip Festival 2019
324 Artists form 75 countries took part in the 2nd Chania International Photo Festival from August 16 until August 24, 2019.
All the Artists participating in Cip Festival in alphabetical order
- Adrian Velez # Ecuador # Narciso Segura (Documentary)
- Adriana Kastelan # Croatia # Marine on North Sea (Travelling)
- Afroditi Diamantopoulou # Greece # Untitled (Cityscape)
- Aggeliki Kastrinelli # Greece # Untitled (Fine Art)
- Angelina Zoumpouli # Greece # The Power of Waiting (Monochrome)
- Aidin Alihodzic # Bosnia and Herzegovina # Puzim (Landscape)
- Alden Tabagan Globo # Philippines # Catch of the Day (Monochrome)
- Aleksandr Kutsepalov # Russia # Morning (Landscape)
- Aleksanrs Drozdovs # Latvia # Seasons on the Globe (Fine Art)
- Alessandra Garcia # Brazil # The Soul Behind the Image (Street Photography)
- Alessandro Gallo # Italy # Urban Vision (Abstract)
- Alessandro Manchia # Italy # Untitled (Street Photography)
- Alex Bazeos # Greece # Chania, the Old Venetian Harbour (Panoramic)
- Alexander Voutsas # Greece # Purim in Israel (Documentary)
- Alexandra Leiva Hidalgo # USA # Yokohama Corners (Cityscape)
- Alexandros Kremmydas # Greece # At the Crack of Dawn (Landscape)
- Alfons Cabrera # Catalonia # City of Justice, Barcelona (Architecture)
- Ali Ihtiyar # Canada # Country and Freedom (Documantery)
- Ali P Rehan # Bangladesh # Color of the Mighty Dusk (Landscapes)
- Alison Wishart # Canada # The Streets of Palermo (Street Photography)
- Amalia Marianovits # Greece # Untitled (Street Photography)
- Amelia Blanco # Cuba # Heart Broken (Fine Art)
- Anastasia Karekla # Cyprus # Push the Button (Street Photography)
- Ancuta Muresan # Romania # Equilibre (Arhitecture)
- Andras Dobi # Hungary # Seeking Way Out (Fine Art)
- Andrea Georgacopulo Protegdico # Italy # Night Walk (Street Photography)
- Andrea Torrei # Italy # The Green Room (Color)
- Andreas Loukakis # Greece # Village Life (Documentary)
- Andy Ngo # USA £ Untitled (Street Photography)
- Anna Busato # Italy # Venice, Italy (Street Photography)
- Anna Grevenitis # France # Regard (Portrait)
- Anna Grigoryan # Armenia # Untitled (Monochrome)
- Anna Kaunis # Russia # Sunset (Cityscape)
- Annemarie Spilker # Netherlands # Happy Mom (Travelling)
- Annie Plasse # France # Gouville (Panoramic)
- Antje Meier # Germany # Skogafoss – Iceland (Travel)
- Antonis Giakoumakis # Greece # Μεταίχμιο (Street Photography)
- Aram Tanis # South-Korea # Fireflies Ain’t Here Anymore (Sreet Photography)
- aRitsos # Greece # Untitled (Street Photography)
- Arthur Bauer # Germany # METRO 3 (StreetPhotography)
- August Naude # South Africa # Purple Forest (Conceptual)
- Auryn F # Belgium # Psalm 23.4 (Fine Art)
- Azim Mehdiyev # Azerbaijan # Life in Colors (Color)
- Barbara Filips # Austria # Concrete Paradise (Cityscape)
- Barbara Mierau Klein # Germany # Dolomite Sunset (Landscape)
- Benblack Patrick # Nigeria # Kakaaki (Sreet Photography)
- Berta Ibanez # Colombia # Untitled (Monochrome)
- Bhaskar Das # India # A Marine Ballet (Nature)
- Briannon Drew # Australia # Untitled (Portraits)
- Brigitte Satori Constantinescu # Germany # Corrosion – Protection I, II (Color)
- Britta Egebjerg # Denmark # The Other Side Of Time (Fine Art)
- Candace Rachael Simmons # Trinidad and Tobago # Celebrating the Beauty of Holi (Color)
- Carla Cosenza Mormile # Brazil # Street Broom (Street Photography)
- Charles Crain # USA # Gathering Storm Over Cypremort Point (Panoramic)
- Christina Lentzou # Greece # 5 Shades of Blue (Fine Art)
- Christine Chatzigeorgiou # Greece # Hemmed in Big Cities (Street Photography)
- Cosmic Bird # Italy # Volcanic Nature (Nature)
- Costadaino # Greece # Holly Spirit Coming Down To The Earth (Monochrome)
- Costas Panagiotopoulos # Greece # Aphrodite’s Rock (Landscape)
- Craig Walters # USA # M Street (Street Photography)
- Cristina Ivan # Romania # Early Morning (Landscape)
- Dag Rottereng # Norway # Cotton Grass In Midnight Breeze (Fine Art)
- Daniel Agra # Spain # Cloudscapes (Fine Art)
- Dave Hanson # USA # The Beer Truck (Fine Art)
- David Adler # USA # Blue Reflection Conceptual)
- David Czernobilsky # Israel # Children Games (Street Photography)
- David Stocks # UK # Storm Clouds (Panoramic)
- Dawit Tibebu # Ethiopia # Pilgrimage to Lalibela, Ethiopia (Portraits)
- Deborah Drexler # Italy # Passé (Street Photography)
- Diego Mazzola # Italy # Get to Work (Street Photography)
- Dieter Kaufmann # USA # Feeling Blue (Colour)
- Dimitris Chatzoudis # Greece # Sunbathing in Helsinki (Street Photography)
- Dimitris Kotsifakis # Greece # Meteora (Travelling)
- Dimitris Kyrousis # Greece # Untitled (Travelling)
- Dimitris Petropoulos # Greece # Alone Tree (Landscape)
- Dimitris Toussimis # Greece # Old Tannery in Fez (Travel)
- Dimitris Tselios # Greece # Abandoned (Fine Art)
- Disney Harrod # UK # Bikes (Street Photography)
- Dmitriy Kochergin # Russia – 1,2 Moonlight Sonata (Landscape)
- Don Kline # USA # The Yellow Eye (Street Photography)
- Efstratios Lales # Greece # Church in Veliko Tarnovo fortress (Landscape)
- Eirini Georgiou # Greece # In Between (Sreet Photography)
- Eleftheria Frantzeskaki # Greece # Alexandra (Monochrome)
- Eleftheria Kavroulaki # Greece # Complex of Colors (Architecture)
- Eleftheria Sklivaki # Greece # Around the Acropolis (Cityscape)
- Elemer Lelik # Hungary # Watchtower (Landscape)
- Elena Bura # Greece # The Waiting (Travelling)
- Elena Skripka # Greece – 1. Throne – 2. Sahara Desert (Fine Art)
- Eleni Scourakis # Greece # Untitled (Landscape)
- Eli Dijkers # Netherlands # Home (Street Photography)
- Elmar Peinelt # Austria # Building in the Puddle (Cityscape)
- Erwin Blase # Croatia # Lost and Found (Monochrome)
- Eugene Reshetov # Belarus # Together (Street Photography)
- Eva Lambropoulou # Greece # Messolonghi Lagoon in the Fog (Monochrome)
- Eva Pispirigkou # Greece # Women. Instabul (Street Photography)
- Fabrizio Zibetti # Italy # Portrain (Portraits)
- Fan LI # China # Sunset (Fine Art)
- Filipe Bianchi # Portugal # Untitled (Documentary)
- Flavia Camilleri # Italy # Curves – Philharmonie, Luxembourg (Architecture)
- Florin Ion Firimita # USA # Puzzle, Katie (Portraits)
- Foivos Stampoliadis # Greece # Untitled (Monochrome)
- Fotini Hatziefstratiou # Greece # Thessaloniki Port (Landscape)
- Fotini Kranaki # Greece # Goal!!! (Cityscape)
- Fotini Palieraki # Greece # Eyes wide shut ? (Conceptual)
- Frank Justus # USA # Mission (Monochrome)
- Gabriele Eltschka Schiller # Austria # Timeout (Street Phptography)
- Gary Hook # USA # Around Time (Street Photography)
- Georg Worecki # Germany # Bring Me Coffee Or Tea (Street Photography)
- George Aivalis # Greece # In the Winter Time (Landscape)
- George Boulasidis # Greece # Contact (Travelling)
- George Lois # Greece # Untitled (Street Photography)
- Georgia Xrysou # Greece # Bird Freedom (Wildlife)
- Giandra De Castro # Brazil # Mountain, Winter (Fine Art)
- Gigi Chung # Hong Kong # Singapore Vista (Cityscape)
- Greg # Greece # Water Shower in Malecon, Havana, Cuba (Travelling)
- Haraldo Albergaria # Brazil # Tunnel View, Yosemite National Park (Monochrome)
- Harry Nakos # Greece # In Color (Street Photography)
- Hassan Ouali # France # Khalty (Portraits)
- Henry Foster # UK # Duality (Wildlife-Nature)
- Hesham Alhumaid # Saudi Arabia # Untitled (Travelling)
- Hilde Maassen # Netherlands – 1-2 Screaming Landscapes (Conceptual)
- Ho Sang Wong # Macau # Concerto No.15 (Architecture)
- Hsuan Chung # USA # Old Stories (Portraits)
- Hu Song Yuan # China # Untitled (Documentary)
- Hua Huang # China # Seabirds Lined up on the Ferry from Keramoti to Thassos Island (Travelling)
- Ingrid Lukic # Croatia # Tenacious (Portraits)
- Ioanna Kapetanaki # Greece # Jordan Guide (Travelling)
- Ioannis Ampatzoglou # Greece # Walking in fog – Thessaloniki – Greece (Monochrome)
- Ioannis Xenikakis # Greece # Lost in Time (Documentary)
- Iordanis Keramidas # Greece # Elements (B/W)
- Isidoros Printezis # Greece # Advice (Color)
- Ivalina Dakova # Bulgaria # Childhood (Monochrome)
- Ivan Furman # South Africa # Grey Duiker (Wildlife)
- Ivan Lopez # Mexico # 1. Canyon City Liquor – 2. San Gabriel Lanes (Color)
- Jacques Meystre # Switzerland # Decadence (Color)
- James Burton # USA # Los Pescaderos (Monochrome)
- Jan Truus Hasselblad # Sweden # Hong kong (Street Photography)
- Jan Walczewski # Poland # Birds (Landscape)
- Janis Straut # Latvia # Arabic Architecture (Monochrome)
- Jaroslav Vyhnicka # Slovakia # Winter in Bratislava (Street Photography)
- Jeannie Patterson # USA # Door to Nowhere (Conceptual)
- Jeremiah Gilbert # USA # Cycle Rickshaw Driver, Varanasi (Travelling)
- Jeremy Bach # USA # The Hitchhiker (Color)
- Jerome Clark # Canada # Untitled (Color)
- Jo Scheder # USA # Morada Site, New Mexico (Travelling)
- Joaquin Carriquiry # Uruguay # Click (Monochrome)
- Joey Harper # USA # Capitol at Sunrise (Cityscape)
- John Kosmopoulos # Canada # Reading in Cyan (Color)
- Jon Hyde and Kimberly Sultze # USA # Christmas Snow on the Arches, Moab, Utah (Panorama)
- Jordan Criscillis # Barbados # Out to Sea (Color)
- Jose Colon # Puerto Rico # Umbrellas (Colors)
- Josh Gates # USA # Vulnerability (Portraits)
- JP Campbell # Canada # Look Up (Architecture)
- Judi Iranyi # Venezuela # Mary in Alcatraz (Fine Art)
- Julie Mayfeng # South Korea # Monsoon (Street Photography)
- Kalen Sheng # USA # Faces of Life (Street Photography)
- Kalliopi Katsidonioti # Greece # Flowers in Her Hair (Portraits)
- Kamila Cherniak # Ukraine # Street in Amsterdam (Street Photography)
- Kent Krugh # USA – 1. Fitton Center Upright English Oak – 2. Heritage Park Mulberry No. 2 (Monochrome)
- Khalil Charif # Brazil # Streetcar (Street Photography)
- Khant Zaw # Myanmar # Kayan Lady (Portraits)
- Kira Morris # USA # You First (Travelling)
- Kiran Lucas # UK # Untitled (Landscape)
- Konstantina Voulvoutzi # Greece # Women on the Road in Tiwanaku (Travelling)
- Konstantinos Douvras # Greece # Industrial Playground (Conceptual)
- Konstantinos Makaronas # Greece # Customs of Fire (Documentary)
- Kostas Tsanakas # Greece # Winter Landscape with Church (Landscape)
- Kostis Kanarakis # Greece # Mauritius, Victoria Amazonica (Nature)
- Kousuke Kitajima # Japan # Amazing View of the Morning (Landscape)
- Kyujin Park # South Korea # Yellow Rape Flower Field (Color)
- Larysa Jaromska # Poland # Gheto Gypsy Lipany (Documentary)
- Laura Zalosnik # Argentina # Red (Color)
- Leka Huie # Hong Kong # Hong Kong Night (Cityscape)
- Lilia Agathou # Greece # Underground Gaze (Street Photography)
- Lily Boukouvala # Greece # Plastira Lake (Landscape)
- Liru Chen # China # Craftman (Documentary)
- Lo Kee # France # Window(s) (Street Photography)
- Lodiza LePore # USA # Alter Ego (Street Photography)
- Look J Boden # Netherlands # Paint It Black (Fine Art)
- Lorraine Beattie # New Zealand # Family (Wildlife)
- Louis Selzer # USA # Last Sale (Travelling)
- Lu Han # China # Borderland (Landscape)
- Luis Lobo Henriques # Portugal # Girl at the Window (Monochrome)
- Madhur Dhingra # India # A Delicate Balance (Street Photography)
- Malkhaz Svanidze # Georgia # In Front of the Shop Window (Conceptual)
- Marcela Ruty Romero # Israel – 1.2.3 Night Scene (Conceptual)
- Marcin Plisiecki # Poland – 1-2-3 Untitled (Fine Art)
- Marevi Denaxa # Greece # A Bedouine in Desert (Street Photography)
- Margarita Burgueros # Spain # 1933 building, Shanghai (Architecture)
- Margrieta Jeltema # Netherlands # El Copihue (Fine Art)
- Maria Palavura # Bulgaria # Harmony (Monochrome)
- Maria Reverberi # Peru # Hall (Architecture)
- Maria Vogiatzaki # Greece # Camel Man (Travelling)
- Mariko Evans # Japan # Watching you Slowly Slip Away (Landscape)
- Mark Dierker # USA # Voyaguer (Portraits)
- Marko Radovanovic # Serbia # Imagine (Portrait)
- Martina Prielozna # Slovakia # Star (Portraits)
- Masha Sardari # Moldova # The Antiquarium (Color)
- Mattia Vaccari # italy # Fiat Love (Conceptual)
- Maurizio Longo # Italy # Tribute to Escher (Conceptual)
- Melina Kasapaki # Greece # Through Lines (Street Photography)
- Men Zhu # Australia # Courage (Fine Art).jpg
- Merja Varkemaa # Finland # The Shadow Runner (Monochrome)
- Merobe Theoklitou # Cyprus # Fun and the City (Travelling)
- Mert Turan # Turkey # Kumarbaz Gamblers (Monochrome)
- Michael Knapstein # USA # Hague Log Church (Monochrome)
- Michael Perzinski # USA # Strength Through Adversity (Nature)
- Michal Konrad # Poland # A Flare in the Sky (Fine Art)
- Michal Voros # Slovakia # Under the Moon of Love (Landscape)
- Mike Brown # Ireland # Solitude (Landscape)
- Milan Gonda # Slovakia # Untitled (Panoramic)
- Minas Stratigos # Greece # Epiphany (Fine Art)
- Mireia Vilaplana # Spain # Musandam at Dawn (Landscape)
- Mohammad Moayedi # Iran # Entrance (Cityscape)
- Monika Kurucz # Hungary # Untitled (Documentary)
- Monique Mailloux # USA # Vietnam Quaries (Travelling)
- Nadide Goksun # USA # Emel (Monochrome)
- Nelly Palasantza # Greece # City Life (Street Photography)
- Nikita Iudin # Russia # Alone (Monochrome)
- Nikoletta Tsatsou # Greece # Self Portrait (Conceptual)
- Nikos Pekiaridis # Greece # Untitled (Street Photography)
- Nikos Sideris # Greece # Cuba 2005, Umbrella (Cityscape)
- Nikos Vasilakis # Greece # Sand (Portraits)
- Nyree Cox # Australia # The Unexpected (Landscape)
- Obinna Odunze # Nigeria # Unsung Hero (Documentary)
- Olga Merrill # Russia – 1. Getting Close – 2. Phantom (Fine Art)
- Olga Papadaki # Greece # Untitled (Color)
- Oliver Frohner # Austria # Beach (Color)
- Oulpiana Tsiatsiou # Cyprus-Philippines # The Navel of the World (Landscape)
- Panagiotis Kelepouris # Greece # Hollywood (Street Photography)
- Paola De Gregorio # Italy # Lost over Time (Documentary)
- Papadakos Nikolaos # Greece # Untitled (Street Photography)
- Parvathi Kumar # Canada # Forces of Paper (Abstract)
- Patricia Dinu # Romania # Destiny (Monochrome)
- Patrycja Suchanska # Poland # In my own World (Monochrome)
- Paul Castro # UK # Maputo, 2017 (Street Photography)
- Paul Murray # USA # Enormity (Landscape)
- Pelin Guven # Turkey # Bird Cages (Travelling)
- Pepe Canabate # Spain # Untitled (Fine Art)
- Peter Juen # Austria # From White and Red (Colour)
- Peter Van Tuijl # Netherlands # The Life of Pieter, Recluse and Artist (Documentary)
- Petra Godesa # Slovenia # Semana Santa processions, Antigua Guatemala (Travelling)
- Petra Lederer Dembic # Croatia # Blue Fairy (Portrait)
- Phil Bebbington # UK # – 1.Ayia Pelagia – 2. Kendri – 3. Anatoli (Documentary)
- Philip Lindsey # USA # Red, White, and Blue (Documentary)
- Pip Spicer # UK # Haytor (Monochrome)
- Raimondo Norberto Giamberduca # Italy # Icelandic Storm (Travel)
- Rajesh Satankar # India # Spiritual Journey (Monochrome)
- Rania Balachouti # Greece # The Rose (Conceptual)
- Raphael Eyraud # France # Sensual curves in Namibia (Monochrome)
- Rena Rodolaki # Greece # Ganotzis (Travelling)
- Richard Harris # UK # Out of the Mist (Fine Art)
- Rick Lingo # USA # Laundry Day (Color)
- Robin Yong # Australia # Havana Dance Story (Portraits)
- Romesh Dimungu # Sri Lanka # Light to the Galaxy (Street Photography)
- Rong Zhao # China # Osaka Japan (Travelling)
- Rose Materdomini # USA # Pride Day (Portraits)
- Rusy Singh # India # Untitled (Cityscape)
- Ryan Eccleston # Jamaica # All in a day’s Work, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia (Street Photography)
- Ryuten Paul Rosenblum # USA – 1/2/3. Japan Temple Wall Nanzenji / Rinsoin / Todaiji (Abstract)
- Sabuj Howlader # Bangladesh # Life at Paddy Drying Field (Documentary)
- Sam Heydt # USA # Untitled (Fine Art)
- Samantha Inman # USA # Toronto (Cityscape)
- Sami Plapis # Poland # The Peaks (Monochrome)
- Samuel Groven # South Korea # A Trail of Two Cities (Cityscape)
- Samuel Moulin # France – 1.Animals Pass – 2. Ce Type est plein – 3. Wonderful Day (Fine Art)
- Sandra Upe Vage # Latvia # Forms (Street Photography)
- Sara C Madsen # Norway # Trance (Conceptual)
- Sarah Eckstine # USA # Elm Hill Farm (Landscape)
- Sarah Morton # Scotland # Scarves and Shirts, Portobello Road, London (Street Photography)
- Sau Kong Lim # Malaysia # On the Road (Street Photography)
- Schoo Flemming # Germany # In The Back Alley (Street Photography)
- Scot Wittman # USA # RQ Dancer (Fine Art)
- Scott Weingarten # USA – 1. Bewitched – 2. Sunflowers (Portraits)
- Sharmalene Gunawardena # Sri Lanka # Catch of the Day – Sri Lanka (Street Photography)
- Sigita Lapina # Latvia # In Yellow (Street Photography)
- Silbino Goncalves Matado # Canada # Autumn Foliage (Landscape)
- Sivapoom Yamasaki # Thailand # Erawan Museum (Architecture)
- Sophia Koopman # Netherlands # Sandpattern (Fine Art)
- Soumya Saha # India # Smiles of Street (Street photography)
- Spyros Lambrou # Greece # Leave me Be (Monochrome)
- Stathis Krokidis # Greece # Heaven 2017 (Portraits)
- Stefania Tsoupaki # Greece # Authentic Couple Poses (Monochrome)
- Steffen Ebert # Germany # Power Plant (Abstract)
- Stelios Karatheodorou # Greece # Imprisoned Figure (Monochrome)
- Stelios Parlamas # Greece # Familiar Stranger (Street Photography)
- Steve Lease # USA # Untitled (Portraits)
- Stuart VonCanon # USA # Neon San Francisco (Street Photography)
- Sudipta Rakshit # India # Glacier Landing at Mt. Mckinley, Alaska (Travelling)
- Sunghoon Kim # Korea # Untitled (Street Photography)
- Susanna Patras # USA # Yosemite Valley, California (Landscape)
- Sushant Kanumuri # India # Himalayan Stove (Documentary)
- Suzette Dushi # Turkey # Diptych with Hands (Monochrome)
- Swen Bernitz # Germany # Tiger and Turtle (Monochrome)
- Szilvia Mucsy # Hungary # Untitled (Monochrome)
- Terry Thorpe # UK # Merrique and Milk (Monochrome)
- Thanasis Stergios # Greece – 1. Traditional Musician – 2. The Nomadic Berber Man – 3. Woman at Work (Street Photography)
- Themida Zidrou # Greece # Calm (Panoramic)
- Theodosis Karamanos # Greece # Expectations (Street Photography)
- Thibaut Fleuret # France # Kepolar – Albania (Travelling)
- Thomas Clark # USA # Harbingers (Cityscape)
- Thomas Neranzis # Greece # Ανθρωποι και Δρόμοι (Street Photography)
- Thomas Pickarski # USA # Icescape no. 44, from the series, Ice Cathedrals (Landscape)
- Tomiko Jones # USA # Untitled (Landscape)
- Tomo Tany # Japan # Looking Back (Sreet Photography)
- Traian Nechita # Romania # The Color of Concert (Color)
- Tricia MIho # USA # NYC wet (Street Photography)
- Trish Hoskin # Australia – 1. End of an Era – 2. Holdens – 3. Spiralling to the End (Architecture)
- Tsvetomil Semkov # Bulgaria # Contrasting fields (Landscapes)
- Ugur Atay # Turkey # Untitled (Street Photography)
- Vagelis Bozis # Greece # Grandma (Street Photography)
- Valerie Decleer # Belgium # polygon (Fine Art)
- Vanda Melito # Brazil # Fog Morning (Monochrome)
- Vangelis Gkinis # Greece # Trotyl Portraits No 30 (Portraits)
- Vasilis Liappis # Greece # Megara Lagoon (Color)
- Vered Eyal # Israel # Kumbh Mela festival, India (Documentary)
- Vigmantas Balevicius # Lithuania # Flying on Pyrenees mountains (Black and White)
- Wei Jian Chan # Singapore # Red (Color)
- Xia WenQI # China # Qing Dynasty Gege (Portraits)
- Xiaochuan Liu # China # Self Portrait (Portrait)
- Yota Koulianou # Greece # Egypt, Despair (Portraits)
- Zheng Yimian # China # Fortress Besieged (Street Photography)
- Zoi Kotsampasi # Greece – 1,2 Untitled (Cityscape)
- Zuzana Uhlikova # Czech Republic # Escape from Bad News (Fine Art)